Come and have a chat

It can be intimidating to see a psychologist for the first time, but our warm and caring approach will help you to feel comfortable. We aim to help you to feel better by providing psychological treatment which has been shown by research to be helpful.

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Our Approach

We provide one-on-one therapy to help people facing a range of challenges to feel better. These challenges might include anxiety, depression, stress, relationship difficulties, chronic illness, bipolar disorder, work-related issues, reactions to trauma or many other concerns people want help to cope with.

During your first few appointments, your psychologist will spend a lot of time getting to know you and asking about the issues that have brought you to our clinic. In the sessions following that first session, your psychologist will collaborate with you to come up with a plan for helping to turn things around. Along the way, the two of you will revise and implement new strategies to find the ones that work best for you.

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If you have an insurance claim

We understand that navigating a compensation system can be difficult. Not only are you trying to recover from your injury or illness, you are, all of a sudden, thrown into a system which is complicated and confusing.  

At HeadSmart Psychology, we are well-informed in how compensation systems work, so we can provide support as you try to navigate the process of working within the system. We are able to provide SIRA accredited psychological services as well as services under other compensation schemes, so if you are looking for help to recover, please get in touch.

Our Fees

The cost to you for our services will depend on how you access us. If you have a compensation claim, the whole fee will be charged to the insurance company looking after your claim. If you are accessing our services under a Mental Health Care Plan issued by your GP, you will receive a Medicare rebate for a certain number of sessions per calendar year. You will also need to pay a gap for the service provided by your psychologist and we set our fees in line with the fees orders set out by the Australian Psychological Society (APS). When you get in touch to make an appointment, we will explain our fees in full so that you have the security of knowing how much your treatment will cost.