We understand the benefits of return to work

As signatories to the Health Benefits of Good Work Consensus Statement, we understand how work can help people to recover from injury and experience good health. Our treatment services aim to build capacity so that the people we are helping can return to life and return to work. If you are working with someone who is not yet ready to attempt a return to work, our services may help them to become ready.

We also understand your needs. We include three key elements in our services, to make sure you are getting all of the help you need when managing psychological injury claims.

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Evidence Based Methods

The treatment approaches we use draw upon scientific research which has been conducted to test each approach’s effectiveness. This means you can refer for our services, confident in the knowledge that our treatment approach has been tested and shown to help people recover.

Transparent Communication

At HeadSmart Psychology, we understand your need to be regularly updated regarding the progress of treatment and we will communicate with you as often as you need us to. We are happy to provide both verbal and written updates, pending our client’s permission to do so.

Results that are Measured

We know you are held accountable for the results you get, so we will hold ourselves accountable for measuring our own results. We can provide you with regular reporting regarding objective measures of improvement, so that you have a full understanding of whether treatment is resulting in gains for the claimant you are working with.

Training for RTW Professionals

We offer a range of training packages to help RTW professionals maximise their effectiveness in helping others to return to work.

Engaging Psychologists and Treating Doctors in the Return-to-Work Process.

This training package assists participants to see the RTW process from the treatment provider’s perspective, which provides a platform for effective negotiation and engagement with treatment providers to provide the best chance for return-to-work success.

Maximising RTW Outcomes when Working with Psychological Injury Claims.

A practical and skills-based package which provides an overview of the common psychological disorders presenting within compensation schemes, tools for translating symptoms into functional limitations and strategies for aligning the RTW process with the treatment programme.

Applying Pain Management Strategies to Occupational Rehabilitation.

This training package provides participants with an easy to understand overview of chronic pain and strategies for discussing chronic pain with clients. It also provides a tool kit for applying evidence-based pain management strategies within the RTW process.