Why we Chose the Hummingbird.

A bird might seem like an unusual choice for the logo of a psychology practice, but we loved the symbolism of the hummingbird and felt that it represented the ethos of HeadSmart Psychology perfectly. The hummingbird is capable of the most amazing feats despite its small size, such as traveling great distances or being able to fly backwards. It represents adaptability and resilience in the face of challenge and we hope that we are able to help our clients to draw upon these same qualities in facing their own challenges.

But we don’t want to stop there. The hummingbird also symbolizes the enjoyment of life and lightness of being. Those who have the hummingbird as a totem are invited to enjoy the sweetness of life, lift up negativity wherever it creeps in and express love more fully. Based on the principles of positive psychology, we hope to also help our clients to thrive, not just survive, in the same way that the hummingbird represents the full enjoyment of life.


HeadSmart Presents on Pain Management in Occupational Rehabilitation.